VRK STUDY GUIDE Digital Download
A companion Study Guide for The Voice, the Revolution and the Key which may be utilized for general study, digger deeper, or for history and literature curriculum, spanning at least a semester.
After years of requests from parents, grandparents and educators in the United States and abroad, we are thrilled to offer the first Study Guide to accompany Jenny L. Cote's books. We decided to begin with the books on the American Revolution, but will go back and add Study Guides for the first six Biblical titles as well. Study Guide Author Claire Roberts Foltz is extremely qualified not only as a certified teacher, but she serves as the Critique Team Leader for Jenny's books, so has been part of the writing of these books since page one of book one! Please scroll through the images here to read Claire's bio, what readers are saying, the introduction, getting started, a sample chapter with answer key and test introduction.
- Offered as a digital download document for printing at home in two formats: condensed and answer ready. Printing license is limited to one download with printing allowed for multiple children within a single family.
- Provides Chapter Guide questions for three levels (Eaglet, Fledgling and Eagle) that parents and readers can select based on age, grade or reading level.
- Includes fun Bonus material projects with two beloved book characters, Nigel and Cato.
- Includes Answer Key by chapter
- Includes digital "Eagle Feathers" that readers earn for completion of Chapters and Bonus projects.
- Includes Book Part Tests and Final Examination with Review Guide and Answer Key designed for families using the VRK Study Guide for a transcript credit.
Page Count: Condensed Version: 397, Answer Ready Version: 824 (See sample pages in the images above.)This is a digitally downloaded product. Upon checkout, you will instantly be emailed with 3 PDFs: Condensed Version, Answer Ready Version, and Book Part Tests and Final Examination.