Book One: The Ark, the Reed, & the Fire Cloud
A magical adventure of animals traveling worldwide to Noah’s Ark.
Max, a Scottish terrier, takes his usual morning trot down to the loch where he hears a mysterious Voice humming in the reeds saying, "Come to Me...follow the fire cloud." He embarks on an unknown journey from Scotland, meeting other animals along the way including Liz, a brilliant, petite black cat from France. Max and Liz become the brave leaders for their group, and eventually, for the entire ark. The mysterious journey, filled with danger, humor, trials, and triumphs, leads them across Europe to the Middle East. The moment of arrival for these animals is spectacular as the ark is miraculously transformed into the animals' natural habitats.
Throughout the previous one hundred years, Noah and family have endured ridicule from villagers while building the ark. Now this family must painfully witness the loss of lives and total destruction of the earth through the mighty flood.
After the journey to the ark, the voyage in the ark begins. Liz finds ways to keep the animals occupied, including daily exercise led by the flamingos and a talent night where the animals entertain each other with their natural abilities. But a sinister plot develops Someone is out to kill Noah and his family. Liz follows clues that lead her to discover a stowaway who has deceived them all. Max and Liz foil the plot, but at a high price. The end climaxes with unexpected twists and turns, taking the reader from despair to hope.
(434 pages, 20 Accelerated Reader pts)
Winner of the 2009 Readers' Favorite Gold Award!
*Available in ebook format for Kindle and Nook.
ISBN 13-978-0899571980

"As a Christian homeschool family, we thoroughly enjoyed this book, a solid mixture of Biblical truth and imaginative whimsy. Whether used as a family read aloud or for individual reading time, The Ark, the Reed, and the Fire Cloud will be a new treasured favorite for families of all ages." Read the Full Product Review by Michele Pleasants, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
Recommended by the pre-eminent Homeschool Magazine!

The Voice of The Ark, the Reed, and the Fire Cloud and Epic Order of the Podcast, Denny Brownlee! Check out Denny's website to learn more about his EPIC talent and projects at www.dennyvoices.com.
Now available on Audible, Amazon and i-Tunes!
Audible Review: Overall: 5 out of 5 stars, Performance: 5 out of 5 stars, Story: 5 out of 5 stars, by Ben Bunker 04-13-23: "Blown Away." I read this book a little while ago, so I had high expectations; and this completely exceeded them.
Listen to the EPIC Podcast with Max, Liz and Jenny and hear a new chapter of The Ark, the Reed, and the Fire Cloud added each week!
"A Thrilling, Fun, and Outstanding Adventure!!" Audible 5-Star Review by Avid Reader
Oh my!! What an outstanding audiobook for young and old!! I had read this book to my students many times, but to listen to this audio version was incredible!! The performance is excellent!! Each voice is unique!! It actually makes you feel like you are there with them!! An added bonus is the great life lessons you won’t even realize you are learning because the story is so wonderful!! I recommend this book to anyone!! I am anxiously awaiting the other books in the series!! Get this book for your child, teenager, or best friend!! It’s THAT GOOD!!
Not yet on Audible? Get on board The Ark for FREE! Click here:

“The Ark, the Reed, and the Fire Cloud is one of the most enjoyable books I’ve read in years! I absolutely delighted in the characters and couldn’t help but laugh out loud several times. (And let me tell you, for a comedian that is a rarity!) It’s an epic journey of faith and a marvelous adventure that readers will want to go on again and again. I know I will!”
-Torry Martin, Author, Actor, Comedian and Writer for Adventures in Odyssey™ produced by Focus on the Family


“These books have given me a newfound belief and relationship with God. I was an atheist in an extremely Christian family. None of the church teachings or bible camps could ever get through to me. But five years ago, when looking for something new to read in the library, I saw the first book. I had no idea it was a "churchy" book when I picked it out, but I loved it and anxiously count down the days to the release dates! These books reached me in a way nothing else could.”
-Lauren Slaven, Ball State University

"The Day Al Falls in Love" by Victoria Glowicki
"A Gem of an Author!" I ran across Jenny's books at a little bookstore in the heart of Amish country one day. I had never heard of her before, but I was intrigued by what I saw. Thankfully our library had copies of her book and I checked this one out, wondering if my 11-year-old son would be interested. About 2 or 3 chapters in, I already realized Jenny was no ordinary author! Without even finishing this first book, I went ahead and ordered all the rest that she had written so far, and was so glad that I did! As a mom who homeschools, this is EXACTLY the kinds of stories I want my kids reading. Stories with fun characters, Biblical history, world history, relatable truths and wisdom found all throughout each page. It is wonderful and I enjoy reading each story just as much (maybe more?), than my son who loves this book and her others so much that he flies through a 400 page book and can't wait to start the next one! Thank you, Jenny for writing such enjoyable and truth filled books to read! You stand out among authors and have given families something very refreshing to engage with. I have a secret hope that someday someone in the movie industry will realize what a gem these stories are and make them into movies as well. If they follow what Jenny has so wonderfully written, what a delight that would be for families looking for wholesome and God honoring entertainment! 🙂-MC12