Oh what fun Jenny has visiting schools and groups!

Alpharetta Christian Academy, Alpharetta, GA. Dec 1, 2014
We had a great time with the WRITE workshop for The Prophet, the Shepherd, and the Star. Thank you ACA! I always love coming to see you - you're in my back yard! Merry Christmas Love!

Nickajack Elementary, Smyrna, GA. Dec 14, 2014
I visited Nickajack in October 2014 as part of Cobb EMC Literacy Week and was invited back to speak to their Young Author's Club. We had a fun visit discussing how books come together and are published. These young ladies impressed me greatly and I have no doubt I will see THEIR books on the shelves some day! Keep writing, Nickajack!

Burns Club of Atlanta Jan 7, 2015
It was my honor to speak to the Burns Club of Atlanta with the topic, "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Another Plot Line." Founded in 1896, it is the oldest literary society in Atlanta, and meets in "The Cottage," an exact replica of the Scottish home of the poet Robert Burns. Margaret Mitchell once spoke to this group. "Gone with the Wind" played a huge role in my becoming an author so it was surreal to stand where she once stood! It was an evening of rich history and colorful encounters as I met the author of the History of Coca-Cola, a fighter pilot, a Patrick Henry descendant, the man who built River Street in Savannah, and the Burns Club Vice President is descended from original Virginians who landed in Jamestown. We held hands and sang Burn's "Auld Lang Syne" to close the meeting. Not my usual audience so it was great fun for a change of venue and of course to gain new readers (I signed a ton of books.) Thank you, dear Gentlemen of the Burns Club! I look forward to returning.
What Burns Club Members had to say about the evening:
"Thank you for gracing the Cottage with your presence last evening. It is difficult to imagine a more entertaining and exciting presentation that we've experienced in my decade as a member. We hope you enjoyed yourself as much as the membership enjoyed having you present. You are always welcome to come back as a guest and as a featured speaker. Perhaps you would be kind enough to come back when you begin the follow-up novel to Patrick Henry? Just let us know when you would like to return as a guest, I'm sure there will be no shortage of members signing up to claim you for their table! You are now officially a true friend of the Burns Club of Atlanta! Thank you again for a wonderful presentation."
"You unleashed a tirade of moxie on my moxie-famished soul. You gave a wonderfully different, yet perfectly informative, presentation. Obviously, you have an open invitation to come back any time you want. Well done."